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We want to contribute to making the seafood industry more sustainable

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Sustainable industry

Seafood is a key part of the solution to how to feed a growing population on a planet that is already stressed in terms of climate change and biodiversity. However, the industry’s potential for growth depends on further reducing its environmental and biological footprint, as well as other ESG related risks, such as fish welfare, pollution and salmon lice.

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Leading seafood bank

We have long and proud traditions in the fishing and seafood sector in DNB. Through an international, regional and local presence along the entire coastline, we’re in close proximity to our customers in the seafood sector.

As a leading seafood bank, we’ll use our position as industry experts and strategic advisers and work together with our customers through this transition. We must also encourage and facilitate the use of new technology and solutions that enable more sustainable development. Examples of this are offshore cages, closed cages, land-based fish farming, new feeding solutions and research into sources of protein along the entire food chain.

We can contribute

  • We’re advisers and conversation partners for the fishing and seafood sector
  • We tailor solutions to the customer’s needs
  • We offer a full spectrum of financial solutions

The future of seafood – new challenges and new opportunities - Norwegian version

Duration 1:24 minutes

The future of seafood

Duration 1:26 minutes

Our industry expertise

DNB boasts some of the foremost industry experts in seafood. We want to share this knowledge so that, together with our customers, we can encourage and facilitate the use of new technology and solutions in the sustainable transition.

Transition podcast logo. Illustration

The transition podcast

Over five episodes, host Marius Brun Haugen from DNB Markets speaks to seafood specialists Dag Sletmo and Alexander Aukner.


In the second episode, sustainability is on the menu. Will salmon farming be considered sustainable?
Listen to the episode on Spotify (in Norwegian only)

In the third episode, the three participants look at the latest ways of producing salmon. Are land-based and offshore the future? And how will this affect the traditional farmers?
Listen to the episode on Spotify (in Norwegian only)

The future of seafood (25:46 min, in Norwegian only)

Food production at sea has several challenges. What has the farming industry done so far to face these challenges and what does it need to do in the decades to come? Are operators on track or do they need to pick up the pace?

Many problems can be solved, but some dilemmas will always remain. How should they be handled? With us is Chairman of the salmon farmers Nova Sea, Aino Olaisen, to tell us what the future of the seafood industry might look like.

How to hedge against changes in salmon prices? (6 min, in Norwegian only)

We see great potential in more farmers using salmon price hedging strategically. In fact it can affect revenues by more than 30 per cent! In this video, you’ll see analyst Ståle Johansen and seafood expert Dag Sletmo discuss price hedging of salmon.

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Contact a seafood adviser

DNB boasts some of the foremost industry experts in seafood. Would you like to speak to one of our advisers?

  • Contact one of our advisers
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Green loans

Green loans give your business financing to invest in sustainable solutions. A green loan offers better terms than an equivalent loan that’s not green.

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Do you have a business idea that could help close Havgapet (the Ocean Gap)?

Are you an entrepreneur or passionate about an idea in the maritime industries? We have the best people available to help you.

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