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We want to create fantastic experiences for people of all ages across the country.

Norway women’s national football team

Through national sponsor agreements you’ll see us on ski slopes, at music festivals and during major sporting events. We have local agreements with sports teams, entrepreneurship hubs and cultural arenas. In addition, we support humanitarian and socially beneficial objectives.

The sponsorships aim to foster engagement and encourage employees, customers and the Norwegian people to give back to society.

A central part of our sponsorship strategy is to contribute to better equality and diversity. We do this through the partnership with the Norway women’s national football team. And also through our long-term partnership with Parasport, where we’re working to get more people to join in.

Do you have an issue you’re passionate about? Seek support from Sparebankstiftelsen DNB

Norway women’s national football team

#huninvesterer (she invests)

Proud sponsor of Norway women’s national football team

There are still huge inequalities between women and men, which is clearly evident both in women’s football and in the financial markets. We want to help even things out.

As part of the sponsorship agreement with the Norwegian Football Association and the women’s national team, we’ve therefore launched Minivinnelandslaget (the Young Women’s National team).

The 11 footballers who get onto the team will win a #huninvesterer scholarship of NOK 100,000 for the club and their team. The money – NOK 50,000 for the team and NOK 50,000 for the club – is earmarked for additional girls’ initiatives.

That’s why we’re proud to sponsor:

  • LSK Kvinner
  • Råde IL - All girls on the pitch
Christmas present decorated with tree sprigs


In addition to the commercial sponsorships, we also give away gifts every year. Including to TV-aksjonen (TV fundraiser for the Norwegian Red Cross), which we have been collaborating on since 1969(!). This is where we’ve contributed tens of millions to various causes, in addition to distribution and counting.

The following received gifts in 2021:

  • TV-aksjonen
  • Skeiv Ungdom
  • Mental Helse Ungdom
  • Unicef DNB A valuable lesson
  • Kronprinsparets Fond
  • Stiftelsen VI

Sports sponsorships