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Diversity and inclusion

DNB is a driving force for diversity and inclusion.

Couple moving into a new home

The fact that people are different makes DNB better

Our goal is to achieve long-term value creation, have satisfied customers and be an attractive place to work. To achieve this, we are convinced that we must mirror the society we are a part of.

Differences in gender, age, expertise, cultural background, experience, functional ability, sexual orientation, ethnicity and view in life give us more perspectives. This makes us more equipped to solve challenges, increase the power of innovation and create the best customer experiences.

DNB’s objectives for diversity and inclusion

In recent years, we have improved equality both internally and through products, services and purchasing.

We are one of the world’s foremost equal opportunities companies, after having set a high target to be a driving force for equality and diversity both internally and externally.

We work systematically on financial equality and take responsibility for building financial literacy in the population. We do this because knowledge is critical to making good economic choices.

This work will be continued, while we will also carry on promoting diversity and inclusion by expanding our diversity agenda, among other things.

We have achieved the following:

Best bank and fourth best business in diversity

According to the Financial Times’ diversity score in 2020.

Minimum 20 weeks’ parental leave

Applies to DNB employees worldwide regardless of gender.

Equal distribution of women and men in the group management

At the top four management levels, the proportion of women is 39.5%.

Our internal work

Internally, equality and diversity means equal rights and opportunities to contribute to the organisation.

This means that we create a safe and inclusive working environment where everyone is valued for their different abilities and is recognised for their talent, and where everyone can be themselves.

Diversity is everything that makes people and groups unique and different from each other. Diversity and inclusion are followed up in all parts of the business, and discrimination is not accepted.

We are working to be an external driving force

As Norway’s largest bank, we are aware that we have both an opportunity and a responsibility to influence positively outside our own business.

For us at DNB, therefore, diversity and inclusion work goes further than for our own employees, and, for example, is also about contributing to increased equality among our customers through our products and services.

In recent years, for example, we have had a particular focus on financial equality and take responsibility for building financial literacy in the population. Knowledge is critical to making good economic choices.

Another example of our influence is the use of our purchasing power. In meetings with suppliers, we have used our power of influence to promote equality at the companies we trade with.

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DNB News · 5 min reading time
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Illustration showing a person reading the newspaper
DNB News · 5 min reading time
DNB Nyheter articles
Illustration showing a person reading the newspaper