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Pensions for employers

Here we have gathered useful information for those who have a pension agreement with us.

Automatic reporting via the a-melding (monthly report from employer)

two women in an office

As an employer, you must submit a monthly report via Altinn to NAV, Statistics Norway and the Norwegian Tax Administration about employees’ income, working conditions, withholding tax, employer’s contribution and financial tax for the company. This is called an a-message.

a-message with us

By using information about your employees directly from the a-message, it will be easier for your company to keep the pension agreement updated and ensure that the employees have the correct pension savings. 

We are in the process of transferring customers to a-message. Your business will receive an email when the final date for the transition to the A-message is ready.

The company’s tasks prior to the introduction of a-message

  • We must be registered as a pension provider in the A-message.
    Our corporate registration number is 914 782 007 – DNB Livsforsikring.
  • Does the company have wage types beyond the mandatory ones and would like these to be pensionable? Let us know via the online bank, or call us.
  • All employees must be registered with the correct salary and position percentage. The pension agreement is available in the online bank. It’s easy to change, even back in time.

The company’s tasks after introducing a-message

The company will still be responsible for ensuring that the pension agreement is correctly updated. We may ask you for the necessary information or ask you to confirm the updated information.

After the changes are made, the contact person will receive a receipt in the portal. It is important that you check the receipt so that we are sure the changes are correct.

Frequently asked questions about reporting via the a-melding

Good investment solutions are important for providing employees with a good pension

My Pension Profile is developed by managers with solid expertise from one of Norway’s largest and oldest asset managers. Pension profiles have a broad composition of investments to ensure a good return relative to risk.

Learn more about the steering committee for the pension agreement. An important meeting place that ensures that the employee’s voice is heard.

Does your company have a pension scheme that has 15 or more employees? A steering committee must then be established for the pension scheme.

In DNB we take responsibility and sustainability seriously

We do not invest in businesses that operate in tobacco production, pornography, controversial weapons, companies with significant activities in coal and oil sands or businesses that are in violation of international standards and norms.

We also incorporate environmental, social and ownership management (ESG) factors into the investment decisions. We take the role as an active owner. This means that DNB engages in dialogue with companies and voting.

The reason for the dialogue may be specific issues related to ESG but may also be about raising the business’ general sustainability level.

The aim of the dialogue is to influence companies in a positive way. As a guide for defining goals and best practice, we’ve published several expectation documents.

Pensions for your employees

As our pension customer, we’ll help you look after your employees. That’s why we’ve developed a communications package.

  • Read more about the communication package here