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Travel insurance

As a Private Banking customer, you have full-year travel insurance for all types of trips up to 90 days included as one of your regular customer benefits.

Private Banking - Mountain sports and skiing

Insurance for the whole family

The policy covers worldwide travel and includes you and all of your permanent household members the moment you leave your home, and there is no overnight accommodation requirement.

You’ll get help if you are the victim of theft, illness or accident, in the event of cancellations and delays, damage to your belongings and much more.


From 1 January 2023, the travel insurance you have through the Private Banking programme will no longer apply for customers who have vacated. It only applies to customers who live in the Nordic countries and are members of the National Insurance Scheme in a Nordic country.

The Norwegian travel terms and conditions and the insurance certificate will always form the basis of the claims settlement and when interpreting the content of the agreement.

Amendments to 2024

In an emergency!

All hospital admissions and any changes to repatriation due to illness must be cleared with the company and/or SOS International in advance. This also applies to cases where the expenses for a hospital stay or treatment are expected to exceed NOK 5,000.

SOS International emergency centre

Telephone +47 22 96 50 45.

Airport lounges


As a Private Banking client, you will be given access to airport lounges in Norway and abroad.

Luggage tags

DNB_privatebanking_luggage labels

It’s important to label your luggage with your name and address when you’re travelling.

Financial travel advice

Three friends at the train station

Use the correct card, remember to pay in the correct currency.