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DNB Nordic Healthcare Conference 2023
  • Overview
  • Program
  • About the conference
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Lars Lannfelt, professor emeritus and founder of BioArctic is the keynote speaker at the Nordic Healthcare Conference 2023

About the conference

Whether you are a company eager to get in contact with a broad spectrum of investors, professionalise your pitch or create new partnerships, this is an event you don’t want to miss. For investors looking for new opportunities, the conference represents a unique arena for networking and finding the next investment candidate.

As previous years, the event is a collaboration between DNB and Healthcare clusters and networks. Our common goal is to improve the healthcare industry in Norway.

For our clients in the North Americas you also have an opportunity to meet us at the North American Healthcare Conference in New York 6-7 December this year. Read more about that below.

A focus area in DNB since 2007

The Healthcare Industry is, and has been, a priority area within DNB’s international strategy since 2007. Our customers benefit from a dedicated global healthcare team that can assist you from our offices in Oslo, Stockholm, London, Copenhagen, Singapore and New York.

Our keynote speaker: Lars Lannfelt

Lars Gunnar Lannfelt is a Swedish medical researcher. He is a professor emeritus at the Uppsala University and also the founder of BioArctic

Lars Lannfelt obtained his Ph.D. in 1990 from the Karolinska Institute and later became a professor of geriatrics at Uppsala University.His research group in Uppsala focuses on molecular geriatrics, studying the molecular mechanisms behind Alzheimer's disease and other dementia-related illnesses.

Lars Lannfelt was elected as a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 2004. He is one of the founders of the medical research company BioArctic, which works on, among other things, Alzheimer's disease.

Marius Brun Haugen

Marius Brun Haugen is the host of DNBs own podcast "Utbytte", which is one of the most popular finance podcasts in Norway with more than 1 million listeners a year.

Live broadcast and interview

During the conference, we will record an episode of the "Utbytte" podcast, where our host, Brun Haugen, will interview Jonas Einarsson from Radforsk and Jan Børge, CEO of Bayer Norway.

Other upcoming events within the sector

DNB BACKBAY Square 500X400

6-7 December 2023 | Nordic American Healthcare Conference | New York

This conference is presented by DNB//Back Bay, Nasdaq, Innovation Norway and Business Sweden. The DNB//Back Bay Partnership is comprised of dedicated multidisciplinary teams of healthcare experts and corporate and investment bankers who understand the complete picture of asset and company development.