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Savings calculator

Use the savings calculator to see how much your savings can grow in mutual funds and in accounts.

How do you want to save?
Revenue Bar Pattern

Your mutual fund savings can grow to

After 20 years, you have deposited NOK 770 000
and earned NOK 849 319 in returns.

Save app

The savings app Spare

Spare is the app that helps you keep track of your savings. Do you save for holidays, buffers, pensions, mutual funds or share? We bring everything together so you get an overview of your goals and can fulfil more dreams!

  • Read more and download the savings app Spare
Savings advice

Would you like to get some savings advice?

Do you need help to find out which type of savings and savings product is right for you? Our savings advisers will start with you, and your finances will advise you.

Plants growing


We help you find the right kind of savings that suit you and your economy.