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Client agreements retail and corporate

Before trading securities, you must have a client agreement (MiFID). If you are trading on behalf of a company you additionally need a valid LEI number.

Mifid customer agreement

You must register a client agreement before you start trading equities with a broker. Please register digitally or by filling out the form available further down the page.

If you are not an online equity trading-customer* or haven't otherwise signed a Customer Agreement (MiFID) needed to trade securities, you will need to register such an agreement below. If you are trading on behalf of a company, the company will additionally need a valid LEI number prior to your first trade. Read about LEI here.

* If you or your business are an online equity trading customer, the agreement was signed the first time the equity trading service was used.

What is MiFID and MiFIR?

EU legislation to protect investors

The rules have been introduced in Norway through the Securities Trading Act and through regulations.

Why do you need a Customer Agreement?

DNB Markets is legally obliged to know our customers in order to provide the best service and the right products. MiFID is the answer.

MiFID is an EU legislation introduced and put into force in 2007, and reworked in 2014. The legislation is there to strengthen investor protection, reduce risks and increase efficiency of the financial markets. Retail and corporate customers are therefore obliged to have a customer agreement. Companies need an additional LEI number.

Companies need an additional LEI number

Companies need to order, in addition to a customer agreement, a identity number (Legal Entity Identifier, or LEI), before the first trade can be made. A LEI identity number is created by third party vendors. See a list of the different vendors on the LEI information page here.

Forms, customer agreements & LEI

Business people reading papers

The customer agreement exists to protect investors from misinvestments.

What is in the Customer Agreement?

Either you are trading as a professional investor, on behalf of a company, or as a retail customer, you will need to fill in your details and sign the customer agreement to trade securities, prior to your first trade. The customer agreement is used to collect the right information about you or your company, whilst DNB informs you of the risks of trading in securities.

The information you provide will help us classify you as a customer and determine which products to a suitable risk is most suited to you.

As a corporate customer you will in addition to the customer agreement have a LEI number before you can trade derivatives and securities. You do not need to register a LEI number if your company only trades funds.

LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) is a global standard for a unique identification of a legal entity - similar to the Norwegian organisation number.

Read more on client classification here.

Short information on MiFID I and MiFID II

DNB Markets as a Systematic Internaliser (SI)

MiFID II implemented a trade obligation for certain financial instruments which can be traded on a marketplace or with a systematic internaliser (SI). DNB Markets acts as a SI on a number of financial instruments. The list of which instruments we offer is located by clicking the button below.