DNB Norge
When you invest in DNB Norge you get an actively managed equity fund that mainly invests in Norwegian securities listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.
Actively managed equity fund
Invests mainly in Norwegian companies on the Oslo Stock Exchange
You can buy DNB Norge in the online bank or in the Spare app.
DNB Norge invests mainly in large Norwegian companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The mutual fund can invest up to 20 per cent in global regulated markets. Investing in DNB Norge normally gives broad exposure across sectors on the Oslo Stock Exchange.
Minimum purchase amount is NOK 100. With a savings scheme in mutual funds, your savings happen automatically every month.
The management team at DNB Norge
DNB Norge has an experienced management team with over 60 years’ total experience. The team has managed DNB Norway since the start of 2020 and consists of:
- Einar Johansen
- Eivind Veddeng Sars
- Odd Einar Lillebostad
DNB Norge wants to take company-specific risk and the managers closely monitor the companies’ earnings. In addition, the fund has a significant emphasis on effective risk management and liquidity.
Portfolio Manager Eivind Sars Veddeng talks about DNB Norge (in Norwegian only)
Equity fund
Equity funds are suitable for people who want to save for more than six years and who can tolerate volatility in value in the meantime.