DNB Spare-fond (Savings funds)
The DNB Spare mutual funds are a range of mutual fund packs for people who want an easy way to save over the long term but don’t want too many options.
Passively managed proportion of equities*
Invests in international and Norwegian shares
Lower price
* The fund’s equity investments are made in index funds. Index funds do not have managers who try to create better returns than the index.
The DNB Spare fund packages are different packages with mutual funds whose risk is kept stable over time. The proportion of equities of the fund package is automatically held at the level you choose, without you having to do anything.
The number in the name indicates the proportion of equities in the fund package. The higher the proportion of equities, the higher the risk but thereby also the better the chances of achieving higher expected returns over time.
The mutual funds invest in up to six sub-funds and have broad exposure to the global and Norwegian equity and fixed income markets.
The funds DNB Spare invests in:
Passive management (index-based management) means that the fund’s investments follow a specific benchmark index. Since the index fund, among other things, does not have managers trying to generate better returns than the index, the costs are lower than for actively managed funds.
DNB Spare 100
When you want a high return and are comfortable with major fluctuations in value during the savings period.
The time horizon for savings should be six years or more due to the high proportion of equities.
DNB Spare 80
When you want a better return than from a bank account and are comfortable with moderate to high fluctuations during the savings period.
The time horizon for savings should be six years or more due to the high proportion of equities.
DNB Spare 50
When you want a better return than from a bank account and are comfortable with moderate fluctuations during the savings period.
Your time horizon for savings should be three years or more.