Tax deduction account
As an employer you must deduct tax from salaries and other benefits that you pay your employees.
Set aside money to pay tax on employees’ salaries and pensions
The account meets the conditions of the Norwegian Tax Payments Act
A legal obligation for companies that pay salaries or pensions to employees
As an employer you’re obliged to calculate and pay withholding tax when you have employees. As a rule, the payment is made to the tax collector in the municipality where the business is established.
A tax withholding account must only be used to set aside money to pay the tax authorities. The account is blocked against withdrawals and can only be used to pay tax. The account cannot be used to pay Value Added Tax (VAT).
How to open a tax deduction account
You can easily open a tax deduction account from the corporate online bank. You must be registered as a user in the online bank and be authorised to order.
Do I need to have a tax deduction account?
The type of company determines whether the company or you as a non-professional should pay the tax.
Did you know that…
As an employer it’s up to you to calculate how much tax should be set aside. Find out more about the calculation basis for tax.