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Defined-contribution pension

How much your employer saves for you and what investment choices you make are important for how large a pension you will receive.

Adult couple on the beach
  • You can switch to a pension profile that is best for you

  • Full overview of your pension in the Spare app

What is a defined-contribution pension?

The employer saves a percentage of salary up to 12 G for your pension. The payments from the employer and the return you receive on the money saved together constitute the pension from the employer. You decide how to invest the money.

If you leave the company, you will be de-registered from the defined-contribution pension scheme. From and including 01.01.2021, you will receive all your accrued pension on a pension capital certificate, irrespective of how long you have worked for the company.

G - the National Insurance basic amount

1 G = NOK 118 620

(as of 1 May 2023)

This determines how much you receive in a defined-contribution pension:

  • How much the employer saves for you
  • How much you are paid in salary
  • How many years you work
  • The return you receive on your money

This is how you can influence your defined-contribution pension

The money that your employer saves for your pension is invested in a pension profile that can consist of both shares and fixed-income securities. Your employer puts all employees in the same profile, irrespective of how long they have left until retirement age. You should therefore log in to see your options. The choice you make could have a major impact on how much you receive as a pension.

It costs nothing to change your profile.

Why does a defined-contribution pension become a pension capital certificate?

When you leave a job where you have had a defined-contribution pension, your accrued pension benefits are transferred to a pension capital certificate. By collecting the pension capital certificates in one place, you can save costs, get a better overview and a larger pension.

Pension provider

The pension agreement is provided by DNB Livsforsikring AS.

Defined-contribution pensions FAQs
