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Investment account

With an investment account, you can trade mutual funds and shares without triggering tax on any profits. Tax liability only arises when withdrawing from the investment account.

man and woman talking with a book in their hands
  • Get a better overview

  • Trade funds and shares without triggering tax. The tax is not triggered until you withdraw the money from the investment account.

Build your own portfolio

With an investment account, you get access to both securities and mutual funds in the same solution. In this way, you can easily put together a portfolio that suits your wishes and preferences.

You trade with your Investment Account via dnb.no. From here, you can trade funds from many reputable managers, individual shares and other listed products on a range of stock exchanges, including outside the EU/EEA. Tax is not triggered as long as sales, mutual fund exchanges and securities trading take place within the Investment Account.

Get a full overview of your investments with the positions report in the online bank. Once a year, DNB Liv delivers a complete annual statement that you add to your tax return. Easier reporting for you.DNB Liv leverer deg årlig en ferdig utfylt årsoppgave som du kontrollerer mot skattemeldingen.

Ideal for customer who want:

  • An overall long-term savings and investment solution for shares and mutual funds without being limited to the EU/EEA
  • To make changes to their portfolio without triggering tax
  • The ability to adjust the proportion of equities (risk) without triggering tax
  • To choose who will be the owner, insured, payer or payment recipient
  • Savings without a lock-in period
  • The option to have a flexible incoming and outgoing payment plan

Important to know:

  • Balance in the investment account is included as a taxable asset
  • When closing an investment account, you must pay tax on the return
  • When withdrawing from an investment account, you must pay tax on a proportionate share of the return
  • Returns are taxed according to the average proportion of equities measure on 01/01 every year
  • The agreement’s proportion of equities and deposited amount forms the basis for the calculation of shielding deduction
  • You have no voting rights at AGMs for shares owned in an investment account


  • Deposit cost: 0 %
  • Annual administration cost: 0 %
  • No costs when buying or selling mutual funds in Norwegian currency
  • Brokerage fees for the online equity trading service 0.05 %, minimum NOK 79*
  • A risk premium is charged for the sum insured (1 % of the insurance value) which is paid in the event of death.

*Follows DNB Markets' rates at the current time

Risk premium

Examples of risk premium with savings balance of NOK 100 000 (sum insured NOK 1 000):

30 years: NOK 0.57
40 years: NOK 0.97
50 years: NOK 2.22
60 years: NOK 6.07
70 years: NOK 17.98
80 years: NOK 54.78

Investment account

Establishment- and payment costs


Annual platform fee*:

Actively managed equity fund:

0.30 %

Index fund

0.10 %

Balanced fund


Fixed-income fund

0.20 %

No costs when buying or selling mutual funds in Norwegian currency

Brokerage fees for the equity trading service online

0.05 % minimum NOK 79

A risk premium is charged for the insurance sum (1 % of the insurance value) which is paid in the event of death

Examples of risk premium with savings balance of NOK 100 000 (sum insured NOK 1 000):

30 years:NOK 0.57

40 years: NOK 0.97

50 years: NOK 2.22

60 years: NOK 6.07

70 years: NOK 17.98

80 years: NOK 54.78

*Platform fees are for access to the trading platform for DNB and administration of the product. The size of the platform fee is determined by whether you save in an actively managed equity fund, index fund, balanced fund or fixed-income fund. Platform fees for pension profiles are calculated according to the same principle. Pension profiles with active management and proportion of equities from 80 to 100 per cent, pay the same platform fee as actively managed equity funds. Pension profiles with active management and from 20 up to 80 per cent of shares, pay the same platform fees as a balanced fund.

**Follows DNB Markets' rates at the current time

The Investment account is a savings insurance product and is provided by DNB Livsforsikring AS.

The Investment account is a savings insurance product and is provided by DNB Livsforsikring AS.

DNB Bank is the distributor of the Investment Account. DNB Livsforsikring covers the actual costs of distribution with an add-on of five per cent.

See our price list for savings products here

Compare our prices with other companies at Finansportalen.no

Frequently asked questions about investment accounts

EU classification of mutual funds

The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) came into effect in the EU on 10 March 2021. This has made it easier to compare financial products and services from a sustainability perspective, through uniform information and increased transparency.

The rules and legislation impose requirements on classifying mutual funds and include different categories depending on investment focus and how the fund is managed.

See expectation documents for DNB Liv