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Share savings account

Buy and sell shares and equity funds without having to pay tax along the way. You only pay tax when you take out profits.

  • A share savings account makes it easier for you to save in shares and equity funds

  • Large choice of shares and equity funds

  • Full overview of your savings with the savings app Spare

Move your share savings account to us

What is an Aksjesparekonto?

Aksjesparekonto (Share savings account) is a joint account for your equity funds and shares. With a share savings account you can buy, sell or exchange shares and equity funds without triggering tax along the way. You only pay tax when you take out profits.

Who is a share savings account suitable for?

A share savings account is suitable for anyone who is a regular saver. Whether you’re already saving in shares and equity funds, or if you plan to start doing so.

  • You can extract the value of what you’ve entered, as well as the unused shielding deduction, tax-free
  • You only pay tax when you take out profits
  • You will not receive interest in the bank account linked to your Share savings account. This is regulated by law
  • Please note that you do get deductions for losses until the share savings account is closed
  • It is free of charge to open a share savings account, but the underlying products cost the same inside the share savings account as outside

A share savings account is a distinctively Norwegian scheme, and is therefore best suited to those who are domiciled in Norway for tax purposes. You’ll find more information about this under the FAQs on the Share Savings Account.

How to get started with saving in mutual funds and shares (in Norwegian only)

Why open a share savings account

How do I open a share savings account?

When you open a share savings account with us, a VPS account is also opened. We will show you how!

Here you will find a number of videos on our share savings accounts and online equity trading service

Which savings products can be included in a share savings account?

You can trade a wide range of equity funds. There is a requirement that the equity fund must be comprised of at least 80% shares. DNB Aktiv 80 is such a fund, but for example, the balanced fund DNB Aktiv 50 is not covered by the scheme as its proportion of equities is too low.

Merge share savings accounts

To merge your Share savings accounts, you must first log in. Then you’ll end up in the right place in the online bank.

Purchase forms can be found on the page below

Share savings account FAQs