Currency exchange rates
Here are the exchange rates for the most traded currencies.
Exchange rate lists for currency exchange
Day-to-day market rates (RIC)
Currency converter
NB: The exchange rates change all the time. The course lists are only indicative.
Exchange rate lists
Today’s currency list transfer
Indicative rates for transferring currency
Monthly and annual average for main currencies
based on the rate in the daily currency against NOK (In Norwegian)
Exchange rate last working day per month
An overview of historical currency lists (In Norwegian only)
Historical currency rates
Daily exchange rates for previous years
Rates for “Exotic” currencies
Historical currency rates for less common currencies
Day-to-Day Market Rate
An interest rate for various currencies
What is the amount in Norwegian kroner?
Do you want to know what something abroad costs in Norwegian kroner? Use our currency converter, it quickly calculates what the rough amount will be.
We provide exchange rates so you can get an approximate idea of what things cost abroad.
How are currency exchange rates set?
The currency exchange rates quoted in this list show the exchange rates for buying and selling foreign currencies when executing international payment orders, where the exchange rate for the order is set at 09:00. For exchanges at all other times, the exchange rates listed in today's exchange rate lists should only be considered approximate as the rates change continuously throughout the day.
The exchange rate obtained for a payment order will depend on the time the exchange was executed. Exchange rates quoted in “Daily updated foreign exchange rates” do not represent an offer of exchange rates to our clients to buy or sell currency, unless the nature* of the payment order and its execution are such that the exchange rate quoted in the “Daily updated foreign exchange rates” is used.
NB: The Bank accepts no liability for the accuracy of the exchange rates shown in “Daily updated foreign exchange rates”, nor any liability for any form of loss arising from the use of this exchange rate information.