DNB Global Marked Valutasikret
DNB Global Marked Valutasikret is an index-tracking equity fund that invests through the DNB Global Index fund, but protects fund’s currency exposure.
Passively managed
Currency hedging
Invests in companies listed on stock exchanges and regulated markets in developing economies
You can buy DNB Global Marked Valutasikret in the online bank or in the Spare app.
DNB Global Marked Valutasikret
DNB Global Marked Valutasikret invests through the fund DNB Global Indeks , but hedges the currency exposure of the fund.
The fund is an index-tracking equity fund that mainly invests in companies listed on stock exchanges and regulated markets in developed economies.
Minimum purchase amount is NOK 100. With a savings scheme in mutual funds, your savings happen automatically every month.
Companies that do not satisfy DNB’s guidelines for responsible investments will be kept outside the fund’s investment area. Over time, the goal of the fund is to produce a return approximately equal to the benchmark index before costs.
Currency hedging
Are you afraid that the NOK exchange rate will affect your investment? Currency hedging is an insurance against exchange rate changes affecting your investment.
By investing in a currency hedged fund, you will not be exposed to currency fluctuations. You only get returns in local currency. Changes to exchange rates therefore do not affect the return on the mutual fund.
The vast majority of international equity funds are not currency hedged.
Passive management
Passive management (index-based management) means that the fund’s investments follow a specific benchmark index. Since the index fund, among other things, does not have managers trying to generate better returns than the index, the costs are lower than for actively managed funds.
Equity fund
Equity funds are suitable for people who want to save for more than six years and who can tolerate volatility in value in the meantime.