Superspar has been discontinued for new sales and is therefore not possible to order.
Superspar has been discontinued for new sales
Find the right savings account for you and your needs
Interest rate on Superspar
Superspar has been discontinued for new sales
Superspar is only available for customers who already have Superspar as a savings agreement.
If you want to start with savings, you’ll find an overview of our savings accounts in the list below. We are happy to help you find the savings that suit you and your needs.
Our savings accounts
Savings account
No withdrawal restrictions
Fixed rate deposits
Tie up your money for 3, 6, 12 or 24 months
Sparekonto Pluss
Get good interest when you have more than NOK 100 000.
BSU home savings scheme
Save up for a home and get a tax deduction
Boligspar Ekstra (housing savings)
Save extra for a home, without tax deduction
Barnas Sparekonto
Savings account for children between 0–18 years old
Morsom Sparing
Save a little every time you use the card or pay a bill
The savings app Spare
Spare is the app that helps you keep track of all your savings.